Saturday, November 8, 2008

Red, Black, and Blue

first off i just want to start off by saying. congrats to Obama !

wow! we have a black president coming into office for the first time. i mean when i heard the news it didn't really hit me as hard as it hit some other people. but deep down i was excited. it was like one of those times when you know exactly whats going to happen and your reaction is just ! "okay!", but on the other hand every one is talking about the new slogan of America "CHANGE" .
Change ! what is Change ?
In one definition of Change it states "To exchange for or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category" so is that what Americas going to do now that we have our new president ? exchange our ways for a replacement of something usually the same or in that category? with some of the thing that happen today id hope we wouldn't any more of that category. with that said i think a more politically correct term would be evolve. evolve from what these last 8 years have been. evolve from what the past 400 years have been. evolve into something new!

Now Obama has inherited a mess. but i have that faith in him he could help restore this country. but just for the record i didnt Cry on election night, i didnt "pop bottles" on election night because at this point in time there really no room for celebration when our work is just beginigng. but this is a big one up not only for Afrcian americans, and africans but any other races in this world this is a step up culturly to signify that yeah any thing can be done only if you put your mind to it. and even if it is percieved to be too difficult it can be done.


Monday, November 3, 2008

I wonder

aahhhh.... not to sound how would i put this into term ?.... ugh!

 mushy or anything of that sort. but its just whats on my mind at the moment. 
not to say I'm all caught up. but i feel many people could relate to this.
has it ever been that one person that you wanted. but for some personal reason that you couldn't  identify you just felt like "yo... i cant have them" that's kind of how i feel at the moment. 

  i know it sounds Corney. but this is my damn blog ! lol 
 nah but no bull shit. for some strange reason i feel like that. idk what is it. 
 could it be the rush of wanting something you cant have? 
or could it be me just over analyzing again ? 
 idk sometimes i really don't know. 

but on that note.... I'm currently looking into several colleges ! and man this senior shit isnt as fun as Ithought. because all of the senior privileges are fine. but when you think about it
  you say to your self !  " i am entering the real world in less than 10 months, after this high school stuff what IAm i going to do with my self ?" 

but shout out to that person !  Iam pertaining to in this blog.  lol...... lol
  I am off !